Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A fresh coat of autre choses

Hello everyone :)
So, I've been back in Dunham for exactly 5 days now. Gosh, it's been so funny to be here again, sorta like a dream. At the same time, it's like not time has passed, I don't know, it's weird. But yeah, I'm very happy that I came back. It just right, like I'm where I should be right now. It's been a little adventure getting used to the French thing again :) But really, it's fine. I'm surprised at how much I've remembered...I just don't have the habit of speaking it anymore. My brain feels like it's going back to the gym after a 5 month break, so yeah, it's a little sore! But anyway, to be able to be in Dunham again and work in the arts like this just blows me away. It's such a total privilege.
The past few days, Ketsia (my fellow AMDTS staff member and roommate) and I have been working in the creative studios. This YWAM base used to have a rather large creative school for mostly drama and mime, but that doesn't exist anymore....I really believe that God wants to do something fresh and new here with the arts. This place has a rich "inheritance" in the arts from God; I'm really anticipating everything that He's going to do. Anyway...So these are some rooms that have been recently set aside to be creative studios for the DTS. They were full of junk last year, and my school did a lot of cleaning and reorganizing. But still there's some work to do. I've been assigned the task of repainting them! Yes, this is very fun for me :) So, we'll see how it goes. We've started with the primer, and then we're going to paint everything in like an ivory color and add some accents. The DTS from Montreal has been here visiting this week, the guys from that school have been an awesome help with the paint job, and good company, too :) Thanks guys! Alors, voici les photos!
P.S. Here's something cool that happened...
So, my mom met a girl in pittsburgh back in February(while I was in DTS), who was thinking about joining YWAM and doing a DTS in Colorado. So, my mom told her about the DTS that I was doing at the time, and then my mom called me and told me about meeting this girl.
She said it was really encouraging for her to meet someone who wanted to do a DTS. So, this week when the Montreal school came to visit, I met this girl, Kelly who'd talked to my mom! Kelly told me that after she spoke with my mom, she decided to check out Quebec and chose to do her DTS in Montreal. Isn't that cool? God's fun :)