Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Here I am :)

HI everyone!
I realize that it's been ages since I've written anything in here. Hehe, sorry about that. But yes, China was amazing, truly. I don't really have words to describe the depth of what I learned and what God has don't in me through that experience. After China, and the DTS, I went back to the States and spent time with my family...I worked at Starbucks again (that was really fun) and re-connected with my church family and all that. It really a big blessing to be able to do that. I was away from Dunham for about 4 months altogether. It was a much needed break, it was awesome.
So now, I'm back in Dunham, and it's actually less than a week away from the start of the next arts and music DTS. Crazy eh?
Well, that's all I'm going to write for now, but I'll live with some pictures of China!
much love,