Sunday, August 5, 2007

the greenhouse

Hey all...
sorry it's been so long since I've written anything, lately I feel as though I've been moving from one temporary situation to another and it's hard to settle myself down. My last couple weeks in Dunham were really special and I treasured them very much...especially the time I was able to spend with all my friends before we seperated. So, since the 5th of July, I've been with my family. My dad drove up to Dunham to pick me up and take me on the 12 hour ride "home." I spent about two weeks with my mom, dad, and little brother Ben. AH! it was so weird to be back with them in that house. I guess you could say I felt a little displaced...all of a sudden everything was different, and everything was in english. how strange. There are alot of special challenges surrounding my family...particularly involving my brother. It's was really difficult to be home and suddenly in the midst of something I didn't feel like I was ready to face. But ya know, God knows all of this...He knew where I was headed, and always provides us with His strength just in time. During our last week in DTS we talked about re-entry, and that DTS was sort of like a greenhouse- an environment where we were protected and we could grow freely in God. I feel as though I felt the effects of leaving the greenhouse almost immediately. I'm truly blessed that God led me to take some extra days in Dunham after DTS to rest...He know I would need it!

Anyway...besides that, it's been wonderful to spend this time with my family. My parents are amazing, brave, and couragous people. My brother is the coolest kid, and also, very brave.

My mom has blessed me SO much since I've been here. She's taken me shopping! hehe, it was so fun to be with her and also get new clothes...especially after wearing the same ones for 6 months. I love being with my mom...and to be girly with her. ya know, it funny. Africa caused me to appreciate something I never expected- wearing skirts! I love wearing them now, and I hated wearing them funny.

It's really strange to come home -or a place I used to live, because pittsburgh isn't exactly my home- and be faced with the sort of person I was before, or at least, what I was accustomed to before. When I came back to my old room, I saw for the first time just how much stuff I had...and useless stuff at that. So many clothes, that I hadn't worn in years and would never wear again w ere piled everywhere. For some reason before, I couldn't manage to get rid of them. So, the next day, I cleaned out all of them and donated them to a thrift store. Anyway...yeah. I also had a very nice easal waiting for me to use! hooray :) I've had that for a couple years now...I thought about it alot while I was in Dunham. It's fun to paint on it... yes.
So all this to say, re-entry is a trip... and I have another sort of re-entry when I go back to Salt lake in a week. God's here with me...and it's really amazing to know that and feel that He's bringing me home...and is leading me right now, at this very moment...even if I can't see what He's doing yet. That's all for's time for dinner!

Much love,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cool this picture!!! I miss YOU so much!!! I'm so happy for you that you will return to Dunham!!! I hope it will be a great ADVENTURE... kiss
