Friday, August 24, 2007

My favorite City

I love Salt Lake city. That's all there is to it :) and I love the people here that make me call it home. I've been back since...the 9th? That sounds about right. It's been a crazy blur of things since my return here from Quebec, and then Pittsburgh. Coming back was a little overwhelming, it took awhile before the feeling of being on another planet wore off. Still, things feel a bit odd, and kinda temporary. I feel pretty confident that God's called me to be a missionary, and I'm waiting for Him to tell me what that means. ya know what? Waiting is HARD. But at the same time, I believe and know that God is going to come through for me, because He's awesome, and He doesn't leave His kids hanging. Honestly, at the same time...I'm feeling uncertain and impatient.
Kurt and Liz, the couple from my church that I live with, are awesome. I'm so thankful that God has put them in my life, not only in my life, but living with them. They're like my parents, kinda. Every night I come home and am greeted by Kurt yelling, "Abby!" Then I come into the family room and we talk about eachothers' day and watch decorating shows on HGTV. I love it. A few nights ago when I was all uncertain about what God's doing in my life, they reminded me that it's just a season, and God's using this time to draw me closer to Him and He'll come through in miraculous ways. I know it's true, because that's what I was feeling in my heart, but it's wonderful that God allows me to share my burdens with much wiser people than I...and He uses them to confirm His promises. I am very blessed at home.
At the moment, I have some crazy decisions ahead of me...and I'm waiting on God to tell me what He desires me to do. Jodi, my pastor's wife, explains it like being a waitress at a restaurant.
God is sitting at the table, I come up and ask Him, "may I take your order?" and I wait for His response. If He's taking longer than I prefer, I don't run to the kitchen and bring Him something I think He might like...I wait. I may discuss some items on the menu with Him, but ultimately, the decision is His. So yes, this is my role at the moment. Kurt thinks all this stuff going on in my life is really cool and exciting. Also, he added, it makes for some "interesting drama." We'll see how it all unfolds.
On a different note, I've been painting like crazy. The youth pastor I'm working for, is allowing me to use part of the youth room for my personal art studio! It's pretty cool, and totally from God, because I have the hardest time getting anything done when I'm at home. It's so funny...whenever I need something for my artwork...God always provides. Other day, I had just finished. a painting and I was thinking, "if only I had some tracing paper(I like to use it to cover my paintings)." I walked down the hall, and I saw a big bag, inside the bag was a whole giant tablet of tracing paper I had left there from almost a year ago :) Painting for me is still a process. I'm learning more and more that it's about enjoying the journey and not always stressing out about the results. I can be kind of a control freak. So, anyway...that's what's going on...there's alot up in the air at the moment. We'll see what happens and I'll do my best to keep you all updated, if you wouldn't mind, please keep me in your prayers. Hi Baimes!
Lotsa love!