Sunday, November 11, 2007

Back at the 'Bucks...

So, sorry everyone that it's taken me forever to write anything new, but I do have a good excuse :) -the batteries died on my camera and I don't like writing anything without a picture to go along with it! much time has gone by, and I've been working at Starbucks once again. I started at the beginning of October, with the understanding that I'd only be there temporarily. Oh yes, I don't know if I'd mentioned this before, but I'm actually going back to Dunham to work at the base :) I'm very very excited...and I'm leaving in a week, yikes! But anyway, I've been having a lot of fun being back at Starbucks, and really learning to appreciate the privilege of having a job again (it's been while). So the people that I've been working with are so awesome and fun, and I've been learning so much again about having fun at work. Ya know, honestly I really hated the idea of going back to work after DTS, especially at Starbucks. But I'm seeing now that it's really important, and God's taught me a lot through the whole deal. yay!
Yesterday at work, I brought in my camera. We had a bunch of fun playing with the time-delay function, and doing random schtuff together. Enjoy!
Love, Abby


Anonymous said...

Hi girl!!! I'm so HAPPY for you that you will return to Dunham!!! You are a lucky girl :-) ... I understand that it be really exiting... these pictures are crazy;-)

I love you ma Doodoo:-)


Your Doodoo of switzerland

Anonymous said...

Ab-bay! that is a very cute picture of you and me! it was great to spend time with you at the pie tonight! i'm going to miss you tons!