Monday, November 26, 2007

Pittsburgh is rainy, and so am I

So, in Salt Lake, it rains maybe once every 10 days. In Pittsburgh, it's sunny about once every 10 days. I never fully understand how weather affects me until I come to Pittsburgh. Here, I've noticed that the air feels so much heavier (because it has more moisture), my body feels kinda an old person, it's super hard for me to get out of bed in the morning...which is unusual because I'm a morning person, and I feel really gloomy/lethargic. Frankly, I'm not too keen on the whole thing, plus...I have gobs of packing to do for YWAM.... and all I can think is "BLAAAAH." We'll see how it all comes together....
I was reminded by the radio today that "God's mercies are new every morning." That's an awesome thing --getting a fresh and new portion of mercy every day.
Here's something cool and different: On Sunday, I got to hang out with Chase...the youth pastor I worked with in Salt Lake. He's visiting his brother who lives in Pittsburgh, and going to a Steelers game. I went to his brother's church and sat with Chase during the service. It was kinda trippy to see Chase at church in Utah last Sunday, then see him again in a completely different church across the country this Sunday, kinda like worlds colliding or something. Anyway, it was fun to hang out with him and his brother's family :)
Well, that's all for now...
Much Love,

Thursday, November 22, 2007


So, I left Salt Lake City on Sunday morning with my mom, my car, and everything I could manage to cram into my car(a surprisingly large amount). I have to say that the whole experience of leaving again has left me a bit melancholy.... I really love Salt Lake, and all the people that come with the place. I've been thinking a lot about my sis, and the people that I live with from my church, Kurt and Liz. I miss them. I know that I probably won't live with Kurt and Liz again...and so it just means my life has turned another page, and I don't feel like I was prepared for that realization when it came. At the same time, I knew for awhile that my life was going to change soon, and that I couldn't live there forever. So yeah...things change, and I know it's a good thing, but transitions have always been kinda tough for me.
I know that God brought Kurt and Liz into my life at a time when I really needed that feeling of safety and security. Also, they've been amazing role-models /mentors in my life...I guess you could say Kurt and Liz have been like my spiritual parents. I love them dearly, and have been truly blessed by them. God sees so far beyond me....I know that's a bit obvious, but when I'm hit with that truth through personal experience, it becomes so much richer and more powerful.
Love you all,

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

J'ai Fini!

Hey everyone :)
Well, today was my last day at Starbucks, I'm very content about it. I really had so much fun working there. It's funny. the last time I quite Starbucks (December 2006), I had the idea that
nothing in the world could convince me to work there again. I don't believe that a career at Starbucks is my future, but I wouldn't mind working there again...and I'm very thankful that I was able to this past month.
Last night I was working and this man came in and ordered coffee --this is not unusual ;) --- we started talking with him, and it turned out he was from Quebec! I was so happy, we started speaking french together, it was so cool to hear the Quebecois accent again. So, today, he came in again and told me that he was returning to Ottawa tomorrow but he came in to see me and say good-bye. I was so blessed by this man's visit, he was so kind and gracious, and he kissed my hand before he left! hehe. God is so cool. It's just that lately I'd been feeling a little hesitant about going back to Quebec. Not that I didn't want to go, but I was nervous about the Quebecois attitude towards Americans. In my mind it's most likely a bigger deal than it really is, but I love the U.S., and I guess I've gotten very comfortable being back here. It's my home. So, now that the time for my departure is getting very close (five days away), all these little things are popping up. Anyway what I'm trying to say is that, I was blessed by this kind man coming in who is from Quebec, who was so friendly and warm and told me that I speak very good French :) and to me it felt like God used this man in way to welcome me into this adventure. Maybe that sounds odd, but I'm so blessed because God answered my anxious prayers in such a personal and cool way, saying, "Not only am I taking care of you now, but I see your heart, and don't worry, you are welcome to the place where I am calling you -Quebec." Thank you, God...You're so cool!
Anyway...that's all for now. Bye, Starbucks :)
Love, Abby

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Back at the 'Bucks...

So, sorry everyone that it's taken me forever to write anything new, but I do have a good excuse :) -the batteries died on my camera and I don't like writing anything without a picture to go along with it! much time has gone by, and I've been working at Starbucks once again. I started at the beginning of October, with the understanding that I'd only be there temporarily. Oh yes, I don't know if I'd mentioned this before, but I'm actually going back to Dunham to work at the base :) I'm very very excited...and I'm leaving in a week, yikes! But anyway, I've been having a lot of fun being back at Starbucks, and really learning to appreciate the privilege of having a job again (it's been while). So the people that I've been working with are so awesome and fun, and I've been learning so much again about having fun at work. Ya know, honestly I really hated the idea of going back to work after DTS, especially at Starbucks. But I'm seeing now that it's really important, and God's taught me a lot through the whole deal. yay!
Yesterday at work, I brought in my camera. We had a bunch of fun playing with the time-delay function, and doing random schtuff together. Enjoy!
Love, Abby