Saturday, April 14, 2007

Ohhh gosh.

yes...that's the sound I make every time I stand up or pretty much use my legs in any way. the past two days, I think I've danced more that I have in my whole life. that may be a slight exaggeration, I'm not sure. Tomorrow, our team is heading to Sherbrooke to do creative presentations and ministry in high schools. we divided ourselves up into several creative teams to come up with things to present. I'm on the swing dance team :) it's really awesome, Gab and Rebecca, our DTS leaders are professional swing dancers, so I feel like I'm learning the proper and safe way to swing dance, that's something I hadn't grasped before. So, we've been learning all sorts of cool moves, including drops and ariel called the "frog." Hopefully it should go okay :) we've practiced our routine so many times but we've only done it perfecrtly once. I know it's in God's, yeah. Please pray for this week, that God will work through us...that we will be yielded to Him.
wow, I'm so tired, I feel like I've been running constantly. this past week has been a bit insane, there hasn't really been a time to relax. all week we've been preparing, and yesterday we hosted a YWAM Quebec event. Gab asked me to share/speak at the event about some of the stuff God had done in my life while I was here. So...I was a bit nervous, God is so awesome though, and He worked it out. Today, my roommate Sara, and I had to clean out our room. we had to take nearly everything out and pack it all up in our suitcases and then clean or room. I've only been here 3 months, but I had so much junk. So, I'm finally at a stopping point, and I'm gonna go to bed. I have to get up at 5am tomorrow, which is something I haven't done in a while. it's funny to think that I used to get up at 4:30am for work at Starbucks...yikes. anyway...I haven't decided if I'm bringing my laptop to Sherbrooke or not, so who knows :)
anyway, bedtime!
Love you all!
P.S. Guess what? I have all my outreach fees!!! thank you all so much for everything.

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