Tuesday, April 24, 2007

time to go to Paris ;)

Hey so...I'm going to Paris today! hehe...I've never been able to say that until now. I think it feels pretty cool :) So, I'm still at the base now, we'll be leaving in a couple hours for the airport. I don't really know how to feel though. I mean, it's completely awesome that I get to go...but at the same time, I know it's going to be really intense, and I'll be almost completely out of contact with my family. This is something about YWAM that I think is a little twisted. they emphasize/insist on openness, otherwise you won't grow or learn anything, that makes sense. the twisted part is that, in being so open, you build some really intense and deep friendships. So, while you're in YWAM, you miss your family like crazy, but gain a new family that you can't bear the thought of leaving, but at the same time, all you want to do is see your real family again. GRR. I really hate it....but I love it at the same time. yeah...so that's what I'm thinking right now. it almost makes me want to close myself off from people....but at the same time, it makes me want to love even more...'cause if we only have 6 months, we might as well make the most of it. hmmm, I can tell I'm not being very coherant right now. heh, sorry...I'm gonna be in Africa in a week, I'm a little freaked out. ;)
but yeah....I don't know, life is good. God is so good...and I know that He only wants the best for me, that's a comforting thought. anyway....regretfully, its time to go...it's time for me to leave you all, and my laptop for 2 months. hehe, that was a little dramatic ;) but seriously....I love you all like crazy, please keep me in your prayers, and I'll keep you in mine :)

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